
Previous Alpha

Alpha@NUS is part of the bigger efforts (Alpha Singapore) that cater for the busy academics or researchers in Buona Vista/Science Parks/Biopolis/Fusionopolis/Clementi areas. It follows the highly successful Workplace Alpha@OCF during lunch time at the NTU Alumni Club building, initiated by the One North Christian Fellowship. Alpha@NUS has just completed 8 weeks of Workplace Alpha at the Sun Bistro restaurant of the NUS Staff Club. We also raised awareness of the importance of on-campus ministries amidst our busy academic lives.

Stay tuned! We will update the information here when the next course starts next year.


One-North Christian Fellowship (OCF) has been conducting alpha course nearby at the NTUA Club house @ One-North, Level-8 8th Degree Restaurant every Wednesday at 12:15-1:15. Stay tuned! We will update the information here when the next course starts next year. You can also contact or 92224504 for more information.

Alpha@West Coast

Every first of each month an Alpha course conducted by a staff will be held in Blue Horizon (West Coast) with home-cooked dinner. Contact for more details.