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Reading Revelation in a Society Seeking Harmony
Despite the fact that Revelation is not a book intended for the promotion of a harmonious society, this book and its effect in history provide issues to ponder for the societal quest for harmony. The discussion will start with the politico-critical nature of the warfare imageries in Revelation. This political critique will then be understood in the light of the use of the book of Daniel in the book of Revelation, the theme of Slaughtered Lamb as the Lion of Judah in Revelation, the rhetorical situation of Revelation, and the comparison between the warfare in Ephesians and that in Revelation. The conclusion will be the (indirect) contribution of the book of Revelation to the construction of societal harmony.
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Guo-Wei Peng. Ph.D. in Biblical Studies (Sheffield, UK) in New Testament Studies, Postdoc in ANU (Australia) in Applied Linguistics, M.Div. (CES, Taiwan), B. Engineering (NTU, Taiwan); Dr. Peng is translation officer at the Nida Institute of Biblical Scholarship (American Bible Society) and adjunct professors in a few major seminaries in the USA and China; he is a Langham scholar, publishes and speaks extensively in Contemporary Hermeneutics, New Testament Studies, Translation Theories, Formation of Christian Canon. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Study Bible (CUV with new punctuation, Taiwan Bible Society) series.
Date: 31 May, 2013
Time: 7:00PM
Venue: MD6 #01-02
Chinese or Asian students and intellectuals in Europe have recently surged that presents opportunities for reaching future leaders with potential global impact. A strategic call for mission in Europe is emerging that would involve students, professionals, academics, churches, mission organizations and individuals who are serious about God's great commission. University Staff Christian Fellowship ( is hosting a seminar followed by interactive dialog session amongst current and previous students, professionals and missionaries to clarify the roles and roadmap for Singapore Christians in this mission.
Speaker: Rev. Henry Lu is the General Director of Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM), a major mission organization in Europe. He was a professor in the US for many years while pastoring a church prior to joining COCM. He serves on the board of other mission organizations such as MSI, coordinates various mission events and understands the mission fields in Europe in depth; with special personal calling to serve the Chinese students and intellectuals. Other panel members engaged in the dialog all have spent years in Europe working amongst students, professionals or missionaries.
Date: 22nd July 2010 Thursday
Time: 7-9PM (food starts at 6PM; RSVP for catering purpose by emailing or call 91123461)
Venue: Level 4 seminar room, MD9 (next to Science Canteen), National University of Singapore (To view the map, please go to